Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Reflectionon Collabortaive Work

This was the first time I had ever collected data by observing another work. I felt somewhat intrusive on the writers' space, as if I were eavesdropping. However, if I would have sat any further away I would not have been able to hear them. From where I was sitting, I could clearly see and hear the writers collaborate on the project. At first, all I picked up on was their oral composition of the prompt, but as the assignment went on, I noticed their body language and facial expressions as they talked to one another. I could practically visualize them hitting the point of the prompt where they jumped on board together. However, I think that if I had sat directly behind them, as opposed to next to them, they would have been a little more reserved about their creative energy with one another and possibly not have written as much. Giving them their space to work was easier for me, and them, to capture the process of their work.

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