Thursday, September 25, 2008

Seen's Graffiti

"Seen" takes over direction. Not much collaboration, "Seen" is simply instructing what he wants his helpers to do. Doesn't ask questions or validate his opinion, just says what he wants and instructs them to to do it. Body language is him turned in to the other guy, standing slightly in front of him and the other guy does not turn toward him, just keeps straight-doesn't even OK at him.

Walks up to the wall to visually show where he wants the graffiti to start. Doesn't ask if that looks good or anyone else's opinion, even when he changes his mind three times. Constantly says, "Listen to me," and "You understand what I'm saying to ya?" even though no one responds.

Explains entire process of the artwork of graffiti. He tells the camera the rules of how to do it, which is what must go through his mind while he sketches and paints.

As he sprays, he continues to hold the picture of the sketch in his hand to make sure the bigger picture looks exactly like the smaller one. Without it, the wall may look totally different than what he imagined. Confesses to having "a hundred outlines" of his final piece, letting the viewers know how lengthy of a process it is.

Yells and dismisses at his partner for suggesting brown paint, emphasizing "red, orange and yellow." Has dramatic, exaggerate and sometimes aggressive bodily movements when he's talking. He also raises his voice when he gets frustrated with his partner. It makes his partner look elsewhere and not want to pay attention to him.

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