Tuesday, October 21, 2008

analyzing data concepts & freewrite

Faigley's social perspective
-Coding data: reading all the collected data, looking for patterns, themes, similarities/differences to emerge.

Intertextuality (Bazerman)
1) Direct quotation
2) Indirect quotation
3) Mentioning another document
4) Commenting on another text
5) Using recognizable phrasing

"Tracing Writing Process" (Prior)
1) Analyzing texts
-same btwn drafts (one single line)
-slightly revised (two lines)
-added (all caps)
-deleted (brackets)

2) Thinking Aloud
-differentiating the various types of comments

Influence of Workplace Culture on Writing/Revising
-editorial comments
-Kleiman's 4 categories of revision comments

Analyzing Genres
-Prominent linguistic features
*uses active verbs
*presents concrete details
-Rhetorical features
*specific things that happen in an introduction that motivate the reader to participate
*what's the person doing to making an argument in the progress report
-Organizational Features
*importance of (chronological) order

Rhetorical Theory
-definitions/concepts can serve as lenses to analyze whats happening in texts

One way I can analyze data is to look btwn drafts of the articles that the authors have given Laura and trace their writing process as Prior proposed. By viewing two or more drafts of the same piece by an author and/or Laura's editorial comments, I can see what is the same, different, added, deleted...
This will show what was considered important y the author AND editor in the article, as well as how they want the article to come across overall.

Another concept would be to analyze the organizational features of the magazine. Since I will be sitting in on many of the meetings discussing the layout/design, I will take away from those observations what the editors view as an important order, why, and how they go about placing the chosen articles into place.

Finally, the data of the workplace, how the editors interact with one another, with authors, photographers, and how their writing space is set up will show how that influences the PW's vibe in the writing process.

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