Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Ethos: Character
1) "invented"- person within the written text
  • good will
  • good sense
  • good character
2) "situated"-

Parents example
Author showed good character by making it a point to directly address the student when the parents were taking over the conversation. This shows how she is making it a point that the student needs to start answering for themselves as a sign of growing up and when the parents here how they present themselves they will learn that their son/daughter is capable of handling these kind of situations.

1st/2nd/3rd person active vs. passive qualifiers word choice punctuation

Good Sense
  • making the argument- "if we do x, then y will happen."
  • EXAMPLES->1st person
  • word choice (pairing)
  • Qualifiers-"it is a complex matter"
Good Will
  • acknowledges parents emotions/values
  • word choice: confidence, grace
  • Qualifiers-"some"..."most"
Good Character
  • "trust"/responsibility/fair/honest
  • (aggressiveness toward parents)
  • situates herself as an advocate for both parents & students
  • word choices
  • examples (1st person)

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